Welcome to your New Life

First of all, THANK YOU for being here and taking a chance on learning about something that has the potential to positively impact your life in the most spectacular way.

I am here as your friend, mentor and guide, so let me introduce myself and tell you how this opportunity is changing my life. My name is Erin and I reside on the beautiful island of Oahu. I am a wife and a new mom to our sweet baby girl.

My daughter is my why.  She is everything to me.

She is the reason that I started this business, and also the reason I care so deeply about health, raising consciousness, and the sustainability of our world.

Once I held her in my arms, I knew in my heart that I would not be able to return to my former career as a yoga instructor and yoga studio manger. I wanted to be with my daughter full time, to stay home with her and raise her myself.

After making that empowering decision, it was up to me to find the right opportunity. One that would allow me to stay home with her and make my own schedule, but still bring in a decent income. I started doing research on how to make money online. I checked out many opportunities until I found one that was in true alignment with me, my lifestyle and what I want to share with the world.

I am here to promote, love, health, sustainability and freedom. I strive to be an enlightened individual, who makes healthy, informed decisions about my own life so that my daughter knows that it is ok for her to do so too. To be the example, showing her, and others that they can think for themselves and carve their own paths in life.

Preaching that conformity is not required to succeed. That there are new paradigms of existence emerging. You no longer need to trade all your time for money just to live a mediocre life. You can be loving, conscious, aware and kind and still get rich.

Because the truth is… that Freedom is awaiting those who seek it, and it is up to us as individuals to demand it of our lives.

Click below to learn more about the product that I sell and how you can create a life of freedom for yourself by starting your own online business.

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